Qi Gong and the Root of Illness: Healing What You Can’t See

Qi Gong and the Root of Illness: Healing What You Can’t See

Author: Foong Tuck Meng
Date: July 19, 2020
Helping People Heal Naturally

A Growing Concern Over an Uncontrollable Eye Twitch

Mr. Teoh, a man in his mid-40s, first noticed that his left eye was blinking uncontrollably. At first, he assumed the issue would resolve on its own, but over time, his friends pointed out that his left eye appeared smaller than his right eye. This change worried him, leading him to seek medical advice.

When he visited a medical specialist, he was diagnosed with a nerve disorder affecting his left eye muscles, causing involuntary twitching and blinking. The specialist recommended surgery but warned that there was no guarantee of success. Hoping for a less invasive solution, Mr. Teoh consulted a Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) physician, who advised that herbal medicine would not be effective but suggested acupuncture as an alternative.

For nearly a year, Mr. Teoh underwent regular acupuncture treatments, yet his condition remained unchanged. Concerned about the lack of progress, he sought the opinion of an eye specialist. This time, he received an even more distressing warning—if left untreated, there was a possibility that he could lose vision in his left eye.

Seeking an Alternative at HHCC

Feeling increasingly desperate, Mr. Teoh came to HHCC in 2018 to explore the potential of Qi Gong healing. Upon examining him, it became apparent that his health issues extended beyond just his eye. His body was slightly slanted to the left, indicating an underlying imbalance. When asked whether he experienced numbness in his left arm, shoulder, and chest, Mr. Teoh was surprised, confirming that he had indeed suffered from such discomfort for years.

As a Qi Gong master, I could see the Qi blockage affecting the left side of his body, including the area around his left eye. This imbalance was likely contributing to his symptoms, and addressing the root cause was necessary for full recovery.

The Healing Process with Qi Gong

We began his healing journey by opening his vital energy points to clear blockages and restore balance. Qi was gently transmitted to his left eye, a delicate process requiring specialized skill, as the eyes are highly sensitive and require precise energy control. The purpose of this transmission was to enhance Qi flow to the affected area, expediting the healing process.

After two to three months of Qi Gong healing, Mr. Teoh noticed significant improvements. His eye twitching had greatly reduced, and the size of his left eye had returned to near normal. But more than that, he experienced unexpected relief from other long-standing health issues. The numbness in his left shoulder and chest had disappeared, and something he had never mentioned before—his chronic hemorrhoid problem—was also completely gone. He no longer needed medication for it.

A Visible Transformation

As a show of gratitude for his recovery, Mr. Teoh agreed to share before-and-after photographs of his face, illustrating the remarkable changes. The difference was clear—his left and right eyes were now in better balance, and his face appeared more relaxed and at ease.

A well-known Chinese saying expresses that a person’s health is reflected on their face, with the literal translation: “The look of a face originates from the spiritual heart.” In other words, true well-being cannot be hidden—it naturally manifests in one’s appearance.

Mr. Teoh’s journey highlights the holistic nature of Qi Gong healing, demonstrating that even when symptoms seem localized, the root cause often extends deeper. By addressing internal imbalances, Qi Gong not only restored his eye health but also resolved other underlying health issues—without the need for surgery or medication.

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Wilayah Persekutuan Kuala Lumpur

Phone: +60 12-606-6028
Email: drfoong@holistic.com.my (Managed via outlook)

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