Can we undergo Genuine Qi Gong healing, by reading books, watching video or interactive video teaching?

Author: Foong Tuck Meng
Date: May 10, 2020
Helping People Heal Naturally

Heart-to-Heart Transmission in Qi Gong Healing
Genuine Qi Gong Healing is taught through “heart-to-heart” transmission. Qi Gong is an art of energy cultivation, and like many other arts, it requires proper guidance and correct practice under a master. High-level genuine Qi Gong helps cultivate the three vital aspects of oneself: the body (physical), the mind (emotional), and the soul (spiritual). Learning Qi Gong for the first time is always best with a master present.
Can Qi Gong Be Learned Through Videos or the Internet?
The answer is yes and no. A beginner who wishes to learn genuine Qi Gong should always learn directly from a master face-to-face. This is because the fundamental basis of Qi Gong is transmitted “heart-to-heart” from a master to a student. In some cases, a student may need to have their vital energy points opened and receive Qi from the master. On the other hand, high-level Qi Gong involves the mind, so it is important that techniques and skills are properly transferred.
For students who have already acquired the necessary techniques and skills, online videos or teleconference lessons can serve as a reference for further learning. However, these resources should not be treated as a substitute for direct instruction from a master.
Why Videos and Books Cannot Replace a Master
Videos and books are good for reference only; they should not be treated as a master. A master is needed to correct mistakes and address fine points during a learning session. Even interactive internet video teaching allows only limited interaction, and the “heart-to-heart” transmission is not ideal.
For example, no matter how delicious an apple may be, describing its taste through a video can never match the experience of actually tasting it. Similarly, Qi Gong must be directly experienced under a master’s guidance rather than learned from a distance.
The Role of a Master in Qi Gong Healing
In Qi Gong Healing, having a master present is even more crucial. Without proper supervision, the healing process may be compromised. However, there are exceptional cases where a highly skilled master can transmit Qi over long distances. Grandmaster Wong Kiew Kit has demonstrated such distance healing, and I have also performed it effectively.
Distance healing is draining for the master, requiring significant energy. For this reason, very few masters are willing to perform it unless under special circumstances. Nothing is better than face-to-face healing under a master’s guidance.
Qi Gong Healing at HHCC
At the Holistic Health Cultivation Center (HHCC), we have helped thousands of people overcome so-called “incurable diseases.” Genuine Qi Gong Healing is a powerful and effective method that restores energy balance, allowing the body to heal itself naturally.
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